Filter Export File Format

Filters are exported to an XML format which is documented on the Filter DTD. This is a very simple format specifying a list of filters along with its associated actions. If using the filter export function the action will always be hideAction whereas if using the conditional formatting export the action can be either hideAction or setProperyAction. NoopAction is a valid fallback alternative if no action is to be taken.

The DTD is posted below for reference (updated 2014-05-24), however please check the above quoted link for the latest version of DTD:

<!-- ROOT element -->
<!ELEMENT filters (filter*)>

<!-- A single filter -->
<!ELEMENT filter (criteria,actions)>
<!ATTLIST filter enabled (true|false) "true">
<!ATTLIST filter inverted (true|false) "false">

<!-- Exactly one criteria, if unknown criteria this filter will be ignored -->
<!ELEMENT criteria (dependency_degree|regex|run_block|memtype|difftype)?>
<!ATTLIST criteria type (dependency_degree|regex|lpm_ldm|diff|run_block|node_exclusion_filter) #REQUIRED>

<!-- Which elements provided depends on the type of filter -->
<!ELEMENT dependency_degree EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST dependency_degree max_degree CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST dependency_degree min_degree CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT regex (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT run_block (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT difftype EMPTY>

<!ELEMENT memtype EMPTY>

<!-- Actions take only one action at the current time -->
<!ELEMENT actions (propertyAction|hideAction|noopAction)>
<!ELEMENT propertyAction (property)+>
<!ELEMENT property EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST property name CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST property value CDATA "">

<!ELEMENT hideAction EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT noopAction EMPTY>