Building instructions

This software requires:

If using Ubuntu/Debian you can install these dependencies by running:

apt-get install g++ make
apt-get install libqt4 libqt4-dev

Once the dependencies have been installed you can build the program by simply running make from the root directory.

Download Source

The source can be downloaded from the GitHub repository either by cloning the repository or by downloading one of the releases.

Binary Files

make will build three binaries:

  1. GraphTool (a console application, command line interface, CLI)
  2. GraphToolUI (a qt application)
  3. GraphToolTestRunner (a test runner to run the test suit).

In order to just compile one component run make bin/GraphTool for the CLI or make bin/GraphToolUI for the graphical QT user interface.

It is also possible to download binary files for Linux 64 bit platform from the release.

Running the software

Running the software by running the binary GraphTool or GraphToolUI. GraphTool requires you to provide input files and command line options whereas GraphToolUI will present you with an interface.

To learn more about how to use either part of the software read the appropriate sections of the user guide:


In case you want a local version of this documentation, please review the documentation in the Developer Guide on how to build the documentation.

This requires the software package "mkdocs" and "doxygen" to be available on your system. More information is available in the developer guide.

All documentation is aviailable at

Other Platforms

The software has been designed and run on Linux as its target platform. It has been tested with Debian&Ubuntu 32 and 64 bit.

Mac OS X

The easiest way to run the software under Mac OS X is to use Vagrant. Simply follow the instructions on their webpage to get a 32 or 64 bit version of Ubuntu running and then the build instructions as per above can be followed.


The software has been tested and run on Windows with Cygwin. In order to run it, install Cygwin and ensure that all QT and required X libraries, as well as g++ and "make" is installed in the Cygwin installer. Then follow the instructions for compiling it above.
