Welcome to user guide for GraphTool

This guide will reviews how to use the GraphTool program - the code dependency visualizer developed for Ericsson by the Placeholder team at KTH. The GraphTool program is designed to run on a Linux environment and generate graphical representations of dependency graphs from the build artefacts produced by the Ericsson build tool.

The software has a graphical interface as well as a command line interface. This guide is intended to help a new user become accustomed to and use the software effectively.

  1. Building/compiling the software
  2. Using the command line interface
  3. Using the graphical interface


The main functionality of GraphTool is to visualize SWU to SWU dependencies in a graph using different layout algorithms.

GraphTool supports the following features at present:

User Scenario Example

  1. Load an XML file containing the data set (Ctrl+O).
  2. Open the filter menu (Ctrl+F).
  3. Create a "dependency degree filter" to filter out all nodes with more than 100 degree (min dependency = 0, max dependency = 100)
  4. Enable the filter
  5. Zoom in on the graph and right click on a SWU to select "Exclude node" to removei t from the display
  6. Select another SWU and right click and select "Focus on node" to show only that node's dependencies & dependents
  7. Right click on one of the displayed dependencies and select "Expand node" to add all its dependencies to the graph

Known Issues

The following are known issues with the software:

  1. All tabs in the TreeView show the same content when displaying the whole graph including all SWUs from the input XML or searching for a run block. This is not the case if the user searches for an SWU. This is due to the fact that the whole graph, as well as a run block search won't specify any root node.

  2. Graph layout algorithms can occasionally cause nodes to overlap when expanding nodes.

  3. When saving or exporting XML files, file extensions are not automatically appended to the file name.

  4. Edge tooltips are displayed when zooming in the GraphView using the mouse scroll, not having the mouse on any edge.

Release Log

Throughout the initial development period there has been one release demoed.

All releases are available for download on GitHub.
